DRUCK PV624 Hybrid Pressure Controller with DPI620 and PM620/T

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Hybrid Pressure Controller with DPI620 and PM620/T

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    DRU PV624 KIT

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This precision calibration kit is designed for professionals who demand the highest accuracy in pressure measurement, control, and calibration. The kit includes three advanced tools from Druck: the PV624 Pressure Controller, the DPI620 Multifunction Calibrator, and the PM620 Pressure Module. Together, these instruments provide a complete solution for a wide range of calibration tasks in industrial, laboratory, and field environments.

Kit Components:

  1. Druck PV624 Pressure Controller:

    • The PV624 is a high-performance pressure controller that offers a hybrid pressure control range from -0.9barg (-13 psig) to 20barg (300 psig)
    • Engineered for accurate and stable pressure control, it is ideal for calibration and testing applications where precision is critical.
    • Its compact and robust design makes it suitable for both portable fieldwork and fixed laboratory setups.
  2. Druck DPI620 Multifunction Calibrator:

    • The DPI620 is a versatile multifunction calibrator capable of handling a broad range of calibration tasks, including pressure, temperature, and electrical signals.
    • Renowned for its high accuracy, the DPI620 is essential for critical calibration processes.
    • Features a user-friendly touchscreen interface and modular design, allowing for easy operation and customization.
  3. Druck PM620 Pressure Module:

    • The PM620 is a precision pressure module designed to work seamlessly with the DPI620, providing highly accurate pressure measurement and calibration.
    • Available in various pressure ranges, it covers both low and high-pressure applications with reliability.
    • Built to withstand tough environments, the PM620 ensures consistent performance in both field and laboratory settings.